GEMA/HS's WebEOC Platform
The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) relies on a highly customized instance of the WebEOC platform, specifically tailored to align with our tactics and policies, to serve as the primary crisis information system and disaster database of record for the state of Georgia. This platform, with its associated integrations, is the official response system for Georgia's Interagency Response Enterprise, spanning all levels of government, Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), and ESF partnerships.
GEMA/HS WebEOC Assistance Requests:
Please send all request for assistance to the WebEOC Helpdesk via WebEOC Helpdesk ( If immediate response is required, put "URGENT" in the subject line.
For new account requests, sponsors (EMA Directors and ESF Leads) or their delegates should submit the applicant's (1) Name, (2) Email Address, (3) Agency, (4) Duty Phone Number and (5) Position(s) needed.
Alternate Procedures: In the event WebEOC is not available, urgent reporting and resource requests should be submitted telephonically to the State Warning Point via (404) 635-7200 or 1-800-TRYGEMA (1-800-879-4362). All activities should be retroactively updated in WebEOC when available.
Activation Level: